Case Study – True-to-Life Training Scenarios
Case Study – True-to-Life Training Scenarios
Two actors from We’ve Got Talent were recently hired for an important, hands-on training session that made a huge difference in how carers spot the signs of a stroke. With their amazing acting skills, carers had hands-on experience of the steps they need to take to save a person’s life.
The brief – provide two actors to exhibit the symptoms of a stroke so that carers being trained could have hands-on experience of administering first aid.
Why was this project successful?
Someone somewhere in the UK is affected by a stroke every 3 minutes 57 seconds. 1 in 4 strokes are fatal in the first year, 1 in 8 within a year. If not fatal, a high number of people are left with significant disabilities as a result of a stroke.
Strokes can affect anyone, no matter what their gender, age or fitness levels. To minimise the extent and injuries left over from a stroke, prompt action and treatment are called for.
But like many other illnesses, the symptoms of a stroke are not always as pronounced as obvious as people think. And this is why our actors attending a training course for carers worked.
They were able to mingle and chat with carers on the course and with their superior acting skills were able to demonstrate a range of subtle and not-so-subtle symptoms of a stroke. Carers had ‘real’ people to practice their newfound skills on.
This hands-on approach to training allowed for a better interaction process, as well as feedback for the trainees. Whilst it was important in getting the message across, it was also a memorable and at times, humorous session too.
The incidences of strokes in the line of work of these carers work in are significant and by spotting signs early, relying on their training to spot these symptoms, more people can be helped at a time when they need it most.
Not just commercials and film work!
To many people, this kind of assignment for the team a We’ve Got Talent may come as a surprise. Our talented extras and actors can be hired for all kinds of assignments including;
• Hands-on training assignments similar to this project
• Training videos and related tasks
• Actors can be hired for interviews and other scenarios
How to hire actors for your project
With this project, the Bookings Team received a lot of detailed information about what our actors were expected to do during the training session. With such comprehensive information, our actors were given plenty of time to research what was needed and on the day, performed so realistically that to someone on the outside looking in, it may not have been a training sessions at all!
To find out more how to book actors for training sessions and ‘real-life scenarios’ get in touch with our Bookings Team on 0844 800 0071.
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