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Talent spotlight – Adam Smith

Talent spotlight – Adam Smith

June 19, 2020 11:35am

Welcome to our talent spotlight slot.  Say hello to Adam; all-rounder extraordinaire and our go-to for acting and branding promo work  Q1. Name and region you work in:                    Adam Smith, London and a fair bit of International work Q2. Describe…


Film Industry Terms – I

April 30, 2020 9:41am

Film Industry Terms – I In our continuing alphabetical series, we jargon-bust the film terms beginning with ‘I’. Iconography – This is the use of a well-known symbol, often referred to as an icon, in a film or TV production…

The Winners from the Oscars 2020

The Winners from the Oscars 2020

March 6, 2020 2:11pm

The Winners from the Oscars 2020 The awards season is now over. Celebrities and actors now return to their ‘day job’ of making movies. For film fans, this means a chance to catch our breaths after the many fun and…

We’ve got talent

We’ve got talent

February 28, 2020 3:00pm

We’ve got talent It’s a yes from us! Whether you’re searching for a mime artist, fire performer or a caricature we can provide exactly what you are looking for. In a world where you need the best staff for a…

Film Industry terms H

Film Industry Terms – H

February 14, 2020 12:49pm

Film Industry Terms – H In our series explaining jargon associated with the film industry, we examine those phrases beginning with H. For actors and extras, understanding these phrases are important as it means that you can deliver exactly what…

Film Industry Terms – G

Film Industry Terms – G

January 17, 2020 10:57am

Film Industry Terms – G In this series, we’ve been de-mystifying some of the more common film industry terms. Useful for extras and walk-on artistes, as well as other performers, in this instalment we browse through film jargon beginning with…

Film Industry Terms – F

Film Industry Terms – F

January 2, 2020 1:51pm

Film Industry Terms – F In this serial, we look at film industry terms and jargon that you are likely to come across. In this short article, we look at film jargon beginning with F. Fade This is when the…

Our 5 Best Movies of 2019

Our 5 Best Movies of 2019

December 19, 2019 11:51am

Our 5 Best Movies of 2019 Every year, there are some amazing movies that land in our cinemas. Narrowing it down is hard but we have taken a long, hard look and come up with our five best movies of…

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